Wednesday, January 13, 2010

What causes ridges (from the nail bed to the top) in the nail to occur?

Vertical nail ridges, which run from the cuticle to the tip of the nail, are fairly common. They don't indicate serious illness and typically increase with age. Although their exact cause isn't known, heredity may play a role.

If your fingernails change color or develop horizontal ridges, see your doctor. These changes may indicate an underlying health problemWhat causes ridges (from the nail bed to the top) in the nail to occur?
You nails, just like you hair can reflect dietary changes and can actually show a lot about your health. My nails have ridges that run up the length of the nail from bed to tip. I was told by my doctor (when I asked during a routine checkup) that this was most likely caused by my iron deficiency. I was always aware that I had low iron, I just didn't know that this could make my nails ridged and brittle and flat. I am not sure if you have all of these problems, but if you do, I suggest taking a multivitamin everyday that includes iron, or take an iron supplement, although my stomach is very sensitive to iron supplements.

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